At Advanced Tax Solutions, LLC, we offer a range of tax and consulting services for US and non-resident individuals. We are happy to serve our clients — including individuals who have rental property, side businesses, or other more complex tax preparation needs. Using virtual and cloud-based solutions, we're the team to call to help you manage your tax needs.
Contact us today to learn more about our tax services in South Florida. We have extensive experience with some of the most important industries in the area, including:
Real Estate
Income Tax Preparation for Businesses
C-Corp 1120 Tax Returns
S-Corp 1120S Tax Returns
Partnerships 1065 Tax Returns
Non-Profit 990 Returns
Limited Liability Company Returns
Income Tax Preparation for Individuals
1040 Preparation
1040NR Preparation
Schedule C
Filing Status Comparisons
Estimate Calculations
Capital Gain Calculations
IRS Representation
Have you received confusing notices from the IRS or the state but don't understand what they mean? Have you been selected for audit but don't know how you are going to pay what they say you owe? We can represent you and your company before the IRS. We can help you understand what the IRS wants and fight for your right to pay only what you truly owe.
Tax Planning
Whether you need help correctly structuring your company to minimize taxes or you're ready to file the proper Florida state paperwork and get your company started, Advanced Tax Solutions, LLC has the knowledge, experience, and expertise to get the job done right. We can also help you get your EIN from the IRS and file all the appropriate paperwork with the IRS.
State Tax Planning
Federal taxes aren't the only issue. If you are thinking of opening offices in a different state, or you currently have filings in multiple states; we can help. If you have recently moved to Florida, or live here part of the year. We have the expertise it takes to file in all states and keep up with the ever-changing state tax laws.
We are happy to also offer payroll tax services as part of your company's overall accounting services. We are partnered with ADP for this process.
International Tax Services and Planning
We help foreign nationals comply with complex US tax laws. Are you a non-resident selling property in the US? If so, you will be subject to FIRPTA withholding. Our services include:
Closing Document Preparation
Form 8288 and 8288-A
Certification of passports to obtain an ITIN
Withholding Certificates form 8288-B
ITIN Applications Form W-7
FIRPTA Withholding
The sale of US real property by a foreign person is subject to the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 (FIRPTA) income tax withholding.
When a non-resident person sells property in the US, the IRS can subject the seller up to a 15% withholding tax. We can help the international seller either reduce the cost or receive a refund of money withheld.
Regardless of the money actually owed, the IRS charges a flat rate— however, using our service, our clients may be able to lower or eliminate this withholding tax. We can help not just the non-resident client but realtors, attorneys and title companies with the process. Clients must contact us before the closing to achieve the best results.
ITIN Application Process
If you are a non-resident and have a filing requirement in the US, you must apply for an ITIN (Individual Tax Identification Number). For example, this may occur if you are a non-resident but work in the United States, have a non-resident spouse, are a foreign individual but married to a US citizen, are a nonresident student, professor, or researcher, or are a non-resident seller of US real property.
We are Certified Acceptable Agents trained by the IRS and can help facilitate the application process so it gets approved. You will no longer have to go to an embassy for a certified copy to submit or send your passport in the mail to the IRS to apply. We can certify your passport or other forms of identification in our office or even work with you virtually to get the certification done.
We have a direct line to the ITIN office able to check on the status of the ITIN applications. We are able to assist every step of the way.